
About Us

Who Are We?
We are Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners who have years of experience in providing psychiatric care. Working closely with our CA-licensed physicians, we provide a wide range of services across lifespan for individuals looking to get their mental health tested or treated.

What do you do?
Allied Healers is a psychiatric care provider that offers services to clients from all walks of life. We provide in-person and telehealth sessions for children, adolescents as well adults with mental health concerns such as anxiety or depression.
Our mission statement at Allied healers says “We’re here whenever you need us!” This makes Allied Healers more than just an ordinary practice but rather like family if we are struggling with mental health symptoms, we will do everything we can to help.

How do you serve people?
Allied Healers is a team of psychiatrists and psychiatric nurse practitioners who practice as allies to individuals with mental health disorders. We utilize the most advanced treatments available in order to restore each patient’s quality of life, including those struggling with social anxiety or ADHD/bipolar disorder! Allied Healers has an amazing staff that provides personalized care for every individual coming through our doors or through our online services.